My Newsletters
I Can’t Take Off Work to Go to the IEP Meeting. What Should I Do?
Can You Be Gifted/2e and Have an IEP?: Making the Legal Argument: "Children with impairments that adversely impact their educational performance may certainly qualify for IEPs but you must make a good enough case that the impairment is negatively interfering with some aspect of a child’s schooling – which as we know is often more than simply grades.”
Opinion: DOE’s Desegregation Plans Offer Hope, Need Improvement: “Without significant reform of the zoning, choice, and screening policies that have contributed to extreme racial and socio-economic isolation of children across the city’s schools, we will never achieve a truly integrated school system that provides, for all students, the equal and adequate education to which they are entitled.”
Scoring States on Charter School Integration: “The overall pattern of these results is clear: states are failing when it comes to supporting integration in charter schools.”
How Can the Federal Government Support Integration in Charter Schools?
NYC Alliance for School Integration and Desegregation Policy Platform: “We believe that all schools should be welcoming to and accountable for all students. We believe this work is necessary, urgent and achievable . . .”
School Integration Work
Nice White Parents, Episode 5 New York Times/Serial Productions podcast on the role of white parents in perpetuating educational inequality. It describes how Brooklyn's "District 15 rolled out a diversity plan to integrate its schools. And it was a real plan — not just for a few curated schools, but every single middle school in this one district that on its own is larger than the entire school system of St. Louis. [Reporter Chana Joffe-Walt] didn’t even know who started it. Miriam Nunberg — that was the name [she] kept hearing. Talk to Miriam."
We Know it When we See it: How Parents Can Help Dismantle School Segregation "This is the story of how a handful of women didn't look the other way after recognizing that their school enrollment system, for years, had been explicitly set up to advantage White families and disadvantage families of color."
District 15 Diversity Plan (Working Group Member)
Some High-Performing New York City Middle Schools Make Diversity Gains
Brooklyn middle schools may eliminate academic ‘screening’ in effort to integrate: "The proposal to eliminate “screens” adds fuel to a growing debate over whether public schools should be allowed to sort students based on their academic achievement — a bedrock tenet of how New York City’s education system currently works...“You see that all these criteria have a significant disparate impact on the black and Latino students, and on the low income students,” Miriam Nunberg, a District 15 parent who was involved in the integration effort."